Age: 22 Heihgt: 170 Weight: 54 Tits: 3
tel. +74956490669 or sms +79255896958 and we get to you as soon as possible (Moscow, Russia)
Are you looking for a discreet personal lady to share life''s intimate pleasures with? Looking for exclusivity? Have me, just for you ... Looking for a lady to go to the next level with? Looking to have a more personal 1-2-1 relationship? Then, please contact me and we can discuss this further.
I am seeking a kind, professional, generous gentleman to look after me. This will involve a financial commitment to me on a monthly basis; in return, I will be your girlfriend. Do I entice you? Mmmh... Let''s get together. Contact me, and let''s take this further...
Kisses to you!